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Curriculum Overview 

The Rushmore curriculum is designed to inspire and motivate pupils.

We follow the National Curriculum for Key stage 1 and 2.

We are committed to delivering a curriculum which both supports attainment and progression in the vital skills of speaking and listening, reading, writing and mathematics as well as developing a rich and creative holistic model which encompasses the Arts, science, computing, humanities, PE, citizenship and wellbeing.

From the Foundation Stage through to the upper phase we recognise the importance of making links across the curriculum. Lessons are designed to ensure pupils acquire knowledge and skills and have opportunities to practice and apply their skills in a range of contexts. We encourage co-operative work, talk, discussion and above all, enjoyment as vehicles for learning in all subjects.

Rushmore Curriculum Policy.

 National Curriculum in Key stages 1 and 2. 

Most Recent KS1 and KS2 Results

Schools have not  submitted assessment data to the DfE for the past two academic years ( 2019-2020 & 2020-2021 ) due to the disruption to schooling caused by partial school closures. 

Please click here to see the 2019 results.