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 Prospective parents and carers are very welcome to come and visit Rushmore. 
In 2020 we made a school tour film to compensate for parents not being able to visit in person. We have left that film on here so you can get a taste of Rushmore life from the comfort of your home.
We would, however, highly recommend that you come in for a school tour in person.
There is a Headteacher's School Tour that takes place every Friday at 11:00am, in term time. Please note that from Friday 10th January, the Headteacher's Tour will begin at the new time of 10:00am. Please contact the school office at to sign up for a tour.

School Tour


Nursery Admissions

Parents wishing to apply for a Nursery place need to bring with them a copy of their children's birth certificate/s and proof of address (e.g. rent book, official letter). 

 We have a large two- form entry nursery. Our morning Nursery session begins at 8.45am and ends at 11.45am; the afternoon Nursery starts at 12.15pm and ends at 3.15pm. If parents are eligible for 30 hours of childcare funding their children will attend from 8.45am to 3.15pm daily.

Top Ups-Additional hours can be paid for by parents, this depends on availability and the cost is based on your household income. Prices range from £25-£35 per session.

Applications for a nursery place can be made when a child reaches the age of 2. Generally,  children start in the nursery the term after their third birthday.

Transfer to the reception class in the main school cannot be guaranteed. Applications for Reception need to be made through Hackney Education

Please contact the School Office for more information. 

Reception to Year 6 Admissions

  • Number of places per year group: 60
  • Number of places per class: 30
  • Applications for Reception to Year 6 need to be made through Hackney Education. Click Here for more information.

The school follows the L.E.A. admission criteria, which are:

  • Looked after children/previously looked after children
  • Children with a Child Protection Plan
  • Children with exceptional medical or social needs
  • Sister/ brother already attending the school
  • Children of teachers
  • distance the child lives from the school


Children joining the school other than in Reception are carefully supported during the settling period.

Please click the following link to access Hackney Learning Trust's admissions page: